Latest news from LRH

LRH expansion gives local businesses a lift

Gippsland businesses are benefiting from a financial injection as a result of the Latrobe Regional Hospital expansion.

Lung function service resumes

Latrobe Regional Hospital’s lung function testing service will resume from 4 July following the arrival of new equipment from Germany.

New arrival in maternity

Our Thomson maternity unit has welcomed the arrival of a new resuscitation cot.

Latest news from LRH

LRH expansion gives local businesses a lift

Gippsland businesses are benefiting from a financial injection as a result of the Latrobe Regional Hospital expansion.

Lung function service resumes

Latrobe Regional Hospital’s lung function testing service will resume from 4 July following the arrival of new equipment from Germany.

Our tax time appeal for mums to be

Help us bring the next generation of Gippslanders into the world safely. Support our appeal to purchase a new ultrasound machine.

The latest ultrasound equipment will provide our obstetricians and midwives with superior imaging quality of an unborn baby to monitor their growth and health.
If we can pick up on changes in a baby’s development, we may be in a better position to prevent complications during birth.

We will be a leading regional health care provider delivering timely, accessible, integrated and responsive services to the Gippsland community

Ash, Workforce Relations Officer

I have progressed through a number of roles within the Workforce Directorate, beginning my career at Barwon Health as an intern whilst completing my university degree. Currently as the Workforce Relations Officer, I am exposed to a very wide range of human resource issues and enjoy helping people in striving for a positive and solution-focused outcome. I am lucky to work with a number of people within my team that are extremely knowledgeable, dedicated and experienced in Human Resources and Industrial Relations.

As a people-orientated person, I love working with such a diverse range of people in different roles, skill mix and backgrounds and the challenges that my role brings on a day-to-day basis.

How did we do?

Latrobe Regional Hospital’s maternity antenatal services are offered from the Gippsland Private Consulting Suites which are located within the hospital precinct. The service includes the Midwives Clinic and Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit.


Getting started - pregnancy care

Latrobe Regional Hospital’s maternity antenatal services are offered from the Gippsland Private Consulting Suites which are located within the
hospital precinct. The service includes the Midwives Clinic and Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit.

The Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit is open Monday–Friday from 8.30am-5pm and available to all women who are booked at LRH. The team is also available to discuss any concerns you may have during your pregnancy on 5173 8809.

Once you have visited your GP to confirm your pregnancy, your GP will fax your referral through to an obstetrician at the Consulting Suites. The midwives will call you to make an initial appointment, ideally when you are 14-18 weeks pregnant.

Childbirth education

Your childbirth and breastfeeding classes can be booked at your initial appointment with a midwife. There are various options for these classes on different days of the week to suit your needs. You will be provided with an information pack and a new mothers’ bag during your visit.

Coming to hospital

The Thomson Unit has four labour rooms with private bathrooms and facilities to help optimise your labour. Our team of midwives are skilled in assisting you through your labour and birth. If you request pain relief, we have both non-pharmacological and pharmacological pain relief options.

Non Pharmacological: shower, massage, sterile water injections, aromatherapy.

Pharmacological: nitrous oxide (gas), medication for pain relief, epidural.

When do I come to hospital?

We encourage you to call the Thomson Unit on 5173 8211 if you are experiencing signs of labour or if concerned about your condition. Don’t hesitate – even if you’re unsure. Your care and the health of your baby is important to us.

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