Better Care Appeal delivers for Gippsland women

Dozens of women are already benefiting from new equipment at Latrobe Regional Health (LRH) to better support breast cancer surgery.
The new high-definition imaging system allows the surgical team to scan breast tissue in the operating theatre to ensure all of the cancer has been removed.
“We want the surgeon to be confident that they have got all of the cancer in the first surgery. We are more likely to do that with the scanner so a woman will spend less time in surgery and can start her recovery sooner,” LRH Acting General Manager Surgical Services, Janelle McInnes said.
The $135,000 system was purchased with the proceeds of LRH’s Better Care Appeal. The appeal was launched in 2023 and attracted donations from across Gippsland, many from women who had experienced or were currently in treatment for breast cancer.
The appeal’s ambassador was long-time Emergency Department Nurse Unit Manager Anne Galletti who was in the middle of breast cancer treatment when she accepted the honorary role.
“If it means that women spend less time being prepared for surgery, less time in surgery, less time worrying about whether the surgeon has got all the cancer after surgery, then that’s a good thing,” Anne said.
Another ambassador was former LRH Community Advisory Committee member Clare Plozza, while Kate Steinmann, a breast cancer survivor, gathered support from the Maffra community and surrounds and spread awareness about the need for the imaging system.
Kate required two surgeries to remove all of the cancer.
“Every time you go to surgery, it’s more stress, more emotional turmoil and of course, more risk,” Kate said.
Surgeon KJ Tan, who had also spruiked the importance of the imaging system said he was amazed by the community’s response.
“I am so appreciative of all the people who raised funds. I was so shocked that we were able to get this equipment here for local women to benefit from, it’s been wonderful to see,” he said.
LRH Chief Executive Don McRae has extended his thanks to every individual, community group or business that supported the Better Care Appeal.
“Your support not only highlights the strength and compassion of our community but also ensures LRH we can continue to provide high quality, safe care to those who need it most.”
Pictured: Emergency Department Nurse Unit Manager Anne Galletti and Surgeon KJ Tan