Phone numbers

Call our Aboriginal Health Unit or other health agencies in the local area.

If you or someone you know needs urgent or emergency help call 000.

For other enquiries:
LRH Aboriginal Health Unit (03) 5173 8653 or (03) 5173 8831

Nindedana Quarenook Central Gippsland Aboriginal Health Service
Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation (Morwell) (03) 5136 5100

Ramahyuck District Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre (Sale) (03) 5143 1644

Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative Medical Centre (Bairnsdale) (03) 5150 0760

Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association (03) 5155 8465

Lake Tyers Health & Children’s Services (03) 5155 8500

Moogji Aboriginal Council (03) 5154 2133