Community, Gippsland Region Public Health Unit,

Have your say on public health

Gippslanders are being asked to fill out a quick online survey looking for input about public health priorities in the region.

The Gippsland Region Public Health Unit (GRPHU) is encouraging local community members and partner organisations to fill out the survey.

The survey is easy, taking less than five minutes to complete.

GRPHU Operations Director Annelies Titulaer said Gippsland is an enormous region with a diverse population  and a broad range of health needs.

“Over the past couple of years, the team has been working to some established goals around smoking and vaping, sexually transmitted infections, food safety and helping manage notifiable diseases such as Q Fever and influenza,”  Annelies said.

“What we are doing now is checking in with the community to confirm we are on the right track.

“But we also want to hear what other areas of concern exist around health, the projects we are working on and as importantly, how we communicate with our local people.”

GRPHU staff are meeting with groups and attending events to have a chat and listen to community members and other stakeholders.

“The survey will allow us to see what the health priorities for the community are,  and get a sense of where the gaps exist in how we’ve been working over the past two years,”  Annelies said.

“The more feedback we receive, the better positioned GRPHU will be able in delivering meaningful local public health actions.

“We’re already getting some useful feedback and we hope other members of the Gippsland community can join with us, share a few moments of their time and help us highlight some of the priority areas for us to focus on over the next few years.”

To take part, visit

You can also find the GRPHU at these community events:

  • Coal Creek 50th Anniversary Event (Saturday, April 20)
  • Warragul Farmer Market (Saturday, April 20)
  • Traralgon Bunnings Tradies BBQ (Friday, May 3)
  • Big Eid Festival – Old Gippstown Moe (Saturday, May 4)

Alternatively, the survey can be completed over the telephone – to arrange a time, call the GRPHU on (03) 5173 5451 (option 3).