Latest News

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Better Care Appeal boost for Christmas

Clare Plozza cherishes every celebratory occasion, including Christmas. As a survivor of breast cancer, she understands the importance of prioritising...

Staff profile,

Changing lives with social work. His and others

When Darren Fielden was arranging for trucks to leave their depot filled with the right packages and going to the...

Health Services,

Cameron takes first steps with help of allied health

Learning to walk is one of life’s earliest milestones, but re-learning how to walk as an adult, when both legs...

Gippsland Region Public Health Unit,

Mosquito and food safety for summer

Summer may be a time of getting together and enjoying Gippsland’s many areas of natural beauty, but it is also...

Medical research,

Teletrial provides continuity of care for prostate cancer patient

A South Gippsland prostate cancer patient can seamlessly continue taking part in a clinical trial at LRH after he moved...

Gippsland Region Public Health Unit,

Health sector all aboard Phillip Island cruise ships

Cruise ships carrying hundreds of passengers will soon begin arriving at Phillip Island. While a boon for the local tourism...

Staff profile,

Meet our staff: Midwife Medina is taking on infant mortality in South Sudan

Medina fled civil war in South Sudan and is now on a mission to help prevent women from dying in...

Community, Health Services, Medical research,

Addressing intergenerational trauma

LRH is helping to ease complex intergenerational trauma for First Nations families visiting the hospital to give birth

Community, Health Services,

Prostate checks are simpler than you think

Screening for prostate cancer is a lot simpler than it used to be and it starts with a conversation.

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