Latest News

Read, hear and see what's happening across our health service.

Staff profile,

Meet our staff: Midwife Medina is taking on infant mortality in South Sudan

Medina fled civil war in South Sudan and is now on a mission to help prevent women from dying in...

Community, Health Services, Medical research,

Addressing intergenerational trauma

LRH is helping to ease complex intergenerational trauma for First Nations families visiting the hospital to give birth

Community, Health Services,

Prostate checks are simpler than you think

Screening for prostate cancer is a lot simpler than it used to be and it starts with a conversation.

Health Services,

Cardiology team with another regional first for Gippsland

Latrobe Regional Health (LRH) Cardiology Services is the first regional hospital in Australia to use a new generation of cardiac...

Staff profile,

Doctors and nurses take back seat to vital non-clinical staff

The unsung heroes of health received a moment in the spotlight recently at the Latrobe Regional Health (LRH) Health Support...

Health Services,

Dialysis staff build knowledge and connections

Nurses from across Gippsland have advanced their knowledge of kidney health at a recent study day run by the Renal...

Health Services,

Playful approach to kid’s food bears fruit

We probably all went through a stage where we refused to eat some of the food our parents put in...

Gippsland Region Public Health Unit,

Gippsland health workers form vital connections on viral hepatitis

Health workers from across Gippsland came together to discuss one of the most pressing but also most misunderstood health conditions...


Kali and Leiha winning hearts and making friends

Ears were scratched, heads were stroked, and paws were offered in friendship when Kali and Leiha, Latrobe Regional Health’s (LRH) visiting therapy dogs...

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