Clinical trials

We're providing more treatment opportunities for Gippsland people.

What is a clinical trial?

Clinical trials give patients access to potentially life-saving treatments, and contribute to the development of new and improved treatments.

A clinical trial is a research study where people can volunteer to undergo new treatments, tests or use devices to help prevent, detect, treat or manage diseases or medical conditions.

Over the past few years, we have expanded our clinical trials in cancer, cardiology, stroke, diabetes, surgery services and dermatology, with a view to expand our clinical trial offering.  This now means our patients won’t have to keep travelling to Melbourne to go on a clinical trial.

This growth has come from a commitment to improving health outcomes and opportunities for our community and providing more workforce opportunities in research and clinical trials.

Below is a list of the active clinical trials at LRH.

Cardiology - Heart

Trial Name: Zeus

Open to recruitment? No.

Principal investigator: A/Prof Alistair Wright

About the trial: People with cardiovascular disease and chronic kidney disease often have inflammation. If inflammation is present for a long time, it can be harmful. Long term inflammation that goes unchecked can cause heart attack and stroke. The ZEUS study will see if a certain medication can be used for people with cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease and inflammation to reduce their risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Trial Name: POSEIDON

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Derk Pol

About the trial: This study will collect information from people with cardiovascular disease who also have high levels of systemic inflammation. This study will also test participants for the possible risk of kidney or liver disease to see if these co-occurring diseases are more likely to be associated with higher levels of inflammation in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and heart failure.


Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Derk Pol

About the trial: The research project is testing a potential new treatment in people who have had a recent heart attack to see if it reduces the risk of developing blood clots, stroke, or another heart attack. The new treatment is called milvexian.

Cerebrovascular – Stroke

Trial Name: Librexia Stroke

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: A/Prof Alistair Wright

About the trial: This trial will look at whether an investigational drug – used in addition to normal care – is safe and beneficial in reducing the risk of future ischaemic stroke in people who have recently experienced such a stroke or trans-ischaemic attack (TIA).

Dermatology - Skin

Trial Name: Coast-1

Open to recruitment? No

Site investigator: Dr Shree Vidhya Nagendram

About the trial: Atopic dermatitis (AD), also known as atopic eczema, is a severe skin disorder that makes you itch and leaves red blotches, usually on your face, arms, and legs. AD can affect your health, social functioning, psychological wellbeing, and quality of life. This clinical trial will evaluate the effectiveness and safety of a medication hoped to restore the balance of immune cells that are active in people with moderate-to-severe AD and therefore improve symptoms. This is a teletrial with Alfred Health.

Dermatology - Skin

Trial Name: Estuary

Open to recruitment? No

Site investigator: Dr Tricia Wright

About the trial A follow-on study for patients who were recruited and underwent treatment on Clinical Trial ‘Coast-1’. This trial will test the effectiveness of the treatment on Coast-1 – by either continuing with the same treatment or discontinuing – using a ‘blinded’ method in selecting which patients receive which course of treatment.

Endocrinology – Diabetes

Trial Name: Best DKA

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Pritish Korula

About the trial: Every year there are more than 7000 patients hospitalised in Australia with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), with an increase of 5 times the number of people admitted to hospital in the last five years. People with DKA are admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) and are treated rapidly with intravenous (IV) fluids. There are a number of fluids used, such as normal saline (0.9% Saline) and balanced multi-electrolyte (Plamsa-Lyte®148), however doctors do not know which fluid is best. Both IV fluids have been used routinely for decades in the ED and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) throughout Australia and the world.  The BEST-DKA study compares these two commonly used fluids for patients hospitalised with moderate to severe DKA.

Trial Name: Flash GM

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Shree Vidhya Nagendram.

About the trial: This study is Australia’s first diabetes device trial for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with type 2 diabetes. The study will assess whether using continuous flash glucose monitors (Freestyle Libre 2, Abbott) compared to standard care (finger-pricks) is helpful in improving stable sugar levels.

Haematology - Leukaemia

Trial Name: OTSUKA

Open to recruitment? No. Patients in follow up.

Principal investigator: Dr Michael Ashby

About the trial: This clinical trial is for patients suffering with either Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS), Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) or Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukaemia (CMML). The purpose of this study is to understand participant preference for mode of administration of treatment. Currently, it is assumed more patients will prefer an oral treatment (taken by mouth) over a subcutaneous injection (an injection under the skin), however, this has not been formally studied in a controlled setting. The information obtained from this study may help towards understanding how patients would like to be treated for their condition and the main reasons why they prefer one treatment to another. This may allow doctors in the future to provide care for blood cancer patients that is more suitable to their needs.

Haematology - Lymphoma

Trial Name: GOL-SEEK2

Open to Recruitment? Yes

Principal Investigator: Dr Amanda Ormerod

About the trial: This is a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the drug Golcadomide in combination with the drug Rituximab in participants with newly diagnosed advanced stage Follicular Lymphoma. For this trial, ‘newly diagnosed’ means that biopsy tissue must be less than one year old. Patients also must not have had any systemic treatment for follicular Lymphoma, however prior radiation therapy or surgery for previously diagnosed stage I disease is acceptable.

Trial Name: BGB -3111-08

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Amanda Omerod

About the trial: This clinical trial is for patients who have been diagnosed with follicular lymphoma (FL) or marginal zone lymphoma (MZL) and whose lymphoma has not gotten better with recent treatment (refractory) or did get better but has returned (relapsed). The trial is testing if a new medication given in combination with existing treatments can help to control the disease and increase the length of complete remission or partial remission compared to a commonly used treatment combination. The study will not only compare effectiveness, but also safety, tolerability, and quality of life between the investigational treatment and the commonly used treatment.

Haematology – Myeloma

Trial Name: FRAIL-M

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Tricia Wright

About the trial: This trial is suitable for patients who have been diagnosed with myeloma, and the intensive therapy needed prior to stem cell transplant would not be a safe treatment option for them. There are a number of treatment options available for patients who are not eligible for transplant, but selecting the best treatment for this patient group has not been well-tested. This clinical trial is investigating which treatment combinations best suit which group of the transplant-ineligible patients who are getting older and accumulating other health problems. This is a teletrial with Alfred Health.

Trial Name: MY PROMPT-2

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Tricia Wright

About the trial: For patients with Relapsed Multiple Myeloma (RMM), the disease and its treatments can cause adverse effects that make it difficult for them to stay on treatment. The trial will investigate if patients using a ‘real time reporting system’ of their own health, symptoms and side effects of their treatment to clinicians will improve their outcomes and ability to stay on treatment. This is a study is coordinated in partnership with Monash University.

Trial Name: RIDDLE-M-X

Open to recruitment?  Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Sueh-Li-Lim

About the trial: This trial, for patients recently diagnosed with multiple myeloma (MM) and deemed eligible for autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT – a type of bone marrow transplant), will investigate the addition of a new medication to the existing standard of care treatments. The new combination will be studied for effectiveness, safety and also how the patient feels about the treatment and their quality of life.

Trial Name: SeaLAND -MM23

Open to recruitment? No. Patients in follow up.

Principal investigator: Dr Sueh-Li-Lim

About the trial: This trial overseen by Dr Sueh-Li Lim and sponsored by the Australasian Leukaemia and Lymphoma group is a randomised trial two medications post stem cell transplant for patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.

Trial Name: PRO-DVD

Open to recruitment? Closed to recruitment – patients in follow up

Site investigator: Dr Amanda Omerod

About the trial: For those with relapsed multiple myeloma, this trial looks at the tolerability of the treatment regime, the type and severity of perceived side effects, overall patient experience of the treatment and the impact of this particular ‘DVD’ treatment on the quality of life of patients through completion of various questionnaires. This information could assist in improving the care and outcomes for patients with relapsed multiple myeloma.

Oncology – Breast cancer

Trial Name: EXPERT

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Chia May Wong

About the trial: After surgery to remove the cancer from the breast, most women are advised to have radiation therapy to the rest of the breast to lower the risk of the cancer coming back. It commonly causes short term side effects however may also have longer term negative effects for the patient. The need for radiation therapy after surgery depends on the risk of the cancer coming back in the breast. If the risk is low, there may be no need for radiation therapy. If doctors could identify women who have a low risk of the cancer coming back, these women may not need radiation therapy and could avoid its side-effects. The purpose of this study is to see whether a genomic test of breast cancer tissue can be used to select women who can safely avoid radiation therapy because there is a low risk of the cancer coming back.

Oncology – Bowel cancer


Open to recruitment? Closed to recruitment – patients in follow-up

Principal investigator: Dr Sachin Joshi

About the trial: This trial is for people who have been diagnosed with colon cancer that has recently been surgically removed. The purpose of this study is to use samples of blood and the removed tumour tissue to see whether using a specific genetic test called “circulating tumour DNA” in addition to the best standard of care is a more effective way of deciding the best method of further treatment, which may include chemotherapy.

Trial Name: ALT-TRACC

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Azim Jalali

About the trial: Metastatic colorectal cancer is typically treated with various combinations of chemotherapy medications. Once an initial chemotherapy regimen is selected, this is typically used until it stops being effective for the bowel cancer, as long as the person is tolerating treatment well. This clinical trial will evaluate the optimal combination of therapies for the treatment of metastatic bowel cancer.

Oncology – Lung

Trial Name: SPLFIO-174

Open to recruitment: Yes

Site Investigator: Evangeline Samuel

About the trial: For patients with previously untreated and advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).  This clinical trial is testing three new potential immunotherapy treatments in combination with the treatment already used and approved in Australia – Cemiplimab – to test their safety and effectiveness.

Oncology - Skin cancer - Melanoma

Trial Name: RELATIVITY-127

Open to recruitment? No. Patients in follow up.

Principal investigator: Dr Quan Tran

About the trial: This study is for patients who have unresectable (unable to be removed with surgery) or metastatic (when the cancer has spread from the place where it first formed in the body) melanoma. The study is testing a combination of drugs and investigates the best way in which the drugs can be absorbed by the body –intravenously (direct into the blood stream) or subcutaneously (under the skin).

Oncology - Prostate cancer

Trial Name: GUIDE

Open to recruitment? Yes

Principal investigator: Dr Hieu Chau

About the trial: The purpose of this clinical trial is to see if a prostate cancer marker in the blood (mGSTP1) can be used to guide chemotherapy treatment. Based on the level of this blood marker, some men may be able to have breaks in treatment rather than having chemotherapy continuously which is the current standard of care. This trial will tell us if having these treatment breaks guided by mGSTP1 can improve how men feel during treatment while still treating the prostate cancer effectively.

Trial name: DASL-HiCaP

Open to recruitment? Closed. Patients in follow up

Site investigator: Dr Bhavini Shah

About the trial: A teletrial in partnership with Alfred Health, this trial looked at a new treatment combination for localised prostate cancer in patients who received radiotherapy. This study investigated the addition of darolutamide to the existing combination therapy of radiation and oral (hormone) therapy. The trial also looked at treatment effects on the quality of life, financial costs and possible tests to better identify patients who may benefit from this treatment.

Trial name: Ironman

Open to recruitment? Yes

Site investigator: Dr Wee Loon Ong

About the trial: There are two main types of advanced prostate cancer:  that which has spread and has not yet been treated with hormone therapy (metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer); and that which is continuing to grow despite hormone therapy to lower testosterone levels (castration-resistant prostate cancer) and might be detectable by scans or sometimes on the basis of blood tests alone. This study will establish an international registry of people with advanced prostate cancer to learn more about the use of different treatments for these types of prostate cancer around the world; how relevant prostate cancer patients are treated and whether different patterns of treatment are associated with differences in outcomes such as the need for admission to hospital. It is also hoped the registry will help in seeing if the order and combination of treatments given have any effect on how long people survive with prostate cancer; and if subtypes of prostate cancer can be identified based on how the cancer behaves, and whether the subtypes respond differently to particular treatments or combinations.


Useful links:

For more information about clinical trials, visit Cancer Council Victoria’s clinical trial section