Community Hub

You don't have to be a patient or visitor to experience LRH.

As a community member you have a chance to influence the decisions we make and the services we provide.

You could join our Community Champions volunteer program, be a member of our Community Advisory Committee or a Community Advisor on one of our committees dedicated to improving the care of our patients and the safety of our health service.

If none of those fit the bill, you might like to contribute to one of our fundraising campaigns or if you’re a handy knitter, know your way around a sewing machine or have a flair for woodworking, donate the fruits of your labour to lift the spirits of our patients.

Give the Engagement team at LRH a call or drop them an email

Lisa Twigger | Community Engagement Officer (03) 5173 8577 (For fundraising, The Wear House and events enquiries)

Casey Murphy | Community Participation Officer (03) 5173 8587 (Community Champions program)

Sharon Clements | Community Participation Officer (03) 5173 8145 (Community Advisory Committee and Community Advisors)

Community Champions

Join our team of community members who support our patients, visitors and staff.

Community Advisory Committee

Meet the community members representing your interests when it comes to improving our services.

Be a Community Advisor

Bring your expertise and life experience to help us monitor the safety and quality of our health service.

Health services for everyone

We never stop looking for ways to be a more welcoming and inclusive health service.

Embracing Aboriginal culture

Learn how we value and respect the culture and Country of the Gunai Kurnai nation.

P.A.R.T.Y Program

See how our one-day workshop for local students is minimising their risk of serious injury and trauma.

We strive to be welcoming and inclusive to all, because in regional communities the people we care for are not just numbers.

What a dollar can do

Your generosity goes a long way to purchasing equipment to help patients of all ages.

Good reads

Learn about the people who do so much for our health service.

Our most vulnerable patients have access to a basic set of new clothes from The Wear House at LRH.